“Green Topia” New Environmental Magazine from FAPM-WUSL Nature Team is Now Open for Creations

FAPM Nature team of Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management (FAPM) of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka has initiated a six monthly environmental magazine called “Green Topia” open for all undergraduates in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.

All the undergraduates of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, can now join with the magazine and send their creative poems, writings, short articles, photographs and paintings on the theme of nature/environment. Both Sinhala or English medium creations are allowed and please submit your creation in MS word format mentioning your name and the faculty.

Your articles should be sent to the e-mail address: natureteam.greentopia@gmail.com

Suitable creations will be selected from the articles you send, and they will be published in the magazine.

Closing date for article submission will be 22nd of August 2021.